


Mount Union is providing me with the resources I need to study accounting and build meaningful connections with individuals in the accounting field.






I heard about Mount Union through family and friends from high school. The first time I stepped foot on campus, I had a gut feeling that it was the right fit. I was thankful to receive the Dean’s Scholarship to attend school here. The biggest piece of advice for high school students looking at colleges is to focus on finding a place you feel comfortable, and don’t worry if you aren’t sure what you want to do for the rest of your life.



Mount Union feels like a second home because people on campus always make me feel welcomed and acknowledged. My professors always address me by name both in the classroom and around campus. It’s clear the professors here care about our growth and improvement.



When I first came to Mount, I was fresh out of GlenOak High School’s sport medicine career tech program. I was convinced I would go into medicine, but that quickly changed once I started taking classes here. I began exploring different courses and I took a financial accounting course that I really ended up enjoying. I had zero intention of majoring in accounting when I started that class, but I soon realized it was something I was passionate about and wanted to continue doing. My ultimate career goal is to find an occupation that supports me and is fulfilling. Mount Union is providing me with the resources I need to study accounting and build meaningful connections with individuals in the accounting field.


Experiences through UMU

Mount Union has provided me with the opportunity to explore different areas of study in my first two years, and those opportunities led me to where I am now. The accounting program at Mount Union is special in that it allows students to do internships in the spring semester of their junior year. In the spring of 2022, I will be doing an internship in 休斯顿,德克萨斯州!