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madison scott headshot


Middle childhood education major

Mount Union makes me feel at home each day and that’s how I knew I made the right choice.


B.A., Middle Childhood 教育




I fell in love with Mount Union my sophomore year of high school because of how caring all the departments were and how comforting the campus felt! Mount is a second home to me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  The education department has really given me a sense of growth and belonging. The faculty have made me feel like I can achieve whatever may seem impossible. The Integrative Core has taught me many different things, but the biggest lesson was to experiment. You shouldn’t always stick to one path; you should branch out and learn new things!


Choosing the Right School for You

Go to where your heart wants to be. A school can have amazing programs and great acceptance rates, but if your heart isn’t in the right place and you don’t feel like you’re home, it isn’t the right one. Mount Union makes me feel at home each day and that’s how I knew I made the right choice.


Dreams of Being an Educator

I chose middle childhood education as my major because I enjoy learning from others, and I feel as though you can learn just as many things about life from your students as you’re teaching them! I have been going through field experiences for two years now and it is so fun and fulfilling. Meeting all different kinds of educators and getting to know how they run a classroom is extremely interesting!